miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2019


Individual Learning Experience N°1. NINTH GRADE 2019 Social Studies.

Dear students:
Regarding your next Individual Learning Experience that will have place the next week (Week 6). I’m sending you two videos which certainly would help you to understand the War World One. Check them out!
1.     1  How did the WW1 start.

2.     2.  Why did the Schliefeld plan and why it failed.

Besides, remember the topics, for this first goal, that will be test.

  1. 1.       World History Review.
  2. 2.       Imperialism during the XIXth Century.
  3. 3.       US Expansion
  4. 4.       The armed peace and the System of Alliances.
  5. 5.       The causes of  World War ONE
  6. 6.       The Schielfeld Plan
  7. 7.       Consecuences of World War ONE.

Please remember that class notes (write down) as well as the lectures and workshops are going to be part of the income for the test. Be sure you solve them and have them clear.

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Dear ninth graders, in addition to have copied your REVA in your notebook, here is the link to dowload it. (Second Term) Have fun https...